fredag 17. juli 2009

Kitchen - 12 m²

The kitchen has a unik ceiling, - handmade panels, painted in the color shadow-white, with whitepainted decorative casings. We chose parquet flooring; Langmoen, acer (maple). The walls are smooth, painted in the color Soft Dune.

The tiles on the wallspace between the kitchen countertop and the upper cabinets, as well as in the kitchen stove area, are high-gloss polished marble tiles, type Hermelin Gray. The stone is delivered by Ankerske Naturstein AS.

Casings in the kitchen are, as in the rest of the house, wide, profiled and painted white.

The kitchen has ceiling spotlights, spotlights under the upper cabinets and inside the vitrine cabinets (cookbook cabinet, spice cabinet etc.).

The kitchen interior is made of beechwood, manufactured by Drømmekjøkkenet and painted in the color: light grey, semi-shine. Kitchen Hood, columns, vitrine cabinets, casings and the kitchen drawers next to the stove, are designed by me. I made technical drawings of the building construction and my husband, who has become quite a furniture carpenter, made the whole stove area based on my drawings. The kitchen countertop is granite, stone type Dark Labrador (stove area), otherwise dark grey.

Stainless steel household appliances. Miele Ventilation hood, Miele oven, integrated ceramic cooktop, Siemens Dishwasher, tall refrigerator and freezer (Siemens twins). Integrated, lockable, wine storage unit (Siemens) with two cooling zones for storing 30 bottles of red, and white, wine. A big stainless steel sink (Intra) with an integrated soap dispenser and some other useful accessories.

The kitchen is a "workplace" for both me and my husband. We love to cook, and we make mostly healthy food, - traditional mediterranean food based on fresh quality ingredients. No fastfood or semi-manufactured food products in our kitchen! We really enjoy ourselves in the kitchen, me and my husband alone together, or together with our friends. It is nice to cook together. We have many friends who take an interest in cooking, and on weekends we often meet to cook. While we cook we enjoy a glass of wine together, talk about the week that was, holiday plans and recipes. We listen to music at a comfortable volume, while we enjoy all the aromas of fruit, vegetables, fried meat or seafood, olive oil, chili and garlic, fresh basil and other spices from our own garden.

There are no chairs in our kitchen. In the kitchen we work, but our wonderful dining room is strategically placed next to the kitchen.

You can eventually read more about the dining room under the label "Translated into English" or "A presentation of rooms in my house". You can also read about our house building project and how it all began, under the label "12 years of hard work".

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Er du egentlig klar over en ting?
At du er min nye helt?;)
Jeg bøyer meg i støvet for den ufattelige flotte jobben dere har gjort, og ikke minst for det utrolig flotte resultatet..
Kom gjerne og fortsett hos oss altså. Vår oppussing er ingenting sammenliknet med deres.
Måtte bare gi et lite pip fra meg.
Tusen takk for titten:))

Ann sa...

Takk for en meget hyggelig kommentar!

Alle slike husprosjekter, store eller små, er så ufattelig krevende mens de står på, men til gjengjeld så ufattelig givende når huset står ferdig, pussestøvet har lagt seg og huset endelig er nyvasket og klart til bruk!

Jeg har besøkt bloggen din i dag og ser at det er stor byggeaktivitet hjemme hos deg nå! Kos deg videre med oppussingen, og husk å ta deg tid til å dagdrømme litt innimellom om hvor vidunderlig du får det rundt deg når huset ditt står ferdig, pussestøvet har lagt og... o.s.v.! :)

Klem, Ann,
Interiørbloggen Glassveranda.